03/15/2011 | Nominations for ARRL Awards Now Open
Each year, the ARRL Board of Directors has the opportunity to select recipients for a number of awards in various categories that honor Amateur Radio operators. The nomination period is now open for those ARRL awards that recognize educational and technol
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01/27/2011 | ARRL Board Bestows Awards at 2011 Annual Meeting
The ARRL Board of Directors had the pleasure and distinction of bestowing three annual awards at its 2011 Annual Meeting -- the ARRL International Humanitarian Award, the George Hart Distinguished Service Award and the Bill Leonard, W2SKE, Professional Me
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11/08/2010 | New Section Manager Appointed in Western New York
Steve Ryan, N2ITF, of Ashville, New York, has been appointed Section Manager of the ARRL Western New York Section, effective November 2. ARRL Membership and Volunteer Programs Department Manager Dave Patton, NN1N, made the appointment in consultation with
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09/09/2010 | ARRL Goes Another Round with ReconRobotics
As reported earlier, on August 16, ReconRobotics -- manufacturers and marketers of the Recon Scout, a remote-controlled, maneuverable surveillance robot designed for use in areas that may be too hazardous for human entry – filed with the FCC an opposition
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07/08/2010 | Can I Have Amateur Radio for $1000, Alex?: Young Amateur Makes Her Mark on Jeopardy!
For hams who are fans of the television quiz show Jeopardy -- where contestants have to answer in the form of a question -- the July 6 show was a real treat: Andrea Salt, KE7OPV, of Gilbert, Arizona, was a contestant. But what makes Andrea’s time on Jeopa
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06/10/2010 | In FCC Rule Making Proceeding, ARRL Supports Employee Participation in Drills
In March 2010, the FCC released a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) (WT Docket No 10-72) that proposed to amend the Part 97 rules -- specifically 97.113(a)(3) -- governing the Amateur Radio Service. The new rules would provide that, under certain limi
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06/10/2010 | The Amateur Amateur: APRS, the BeginningI became interested in APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) after watching a presentation on it a few years ago. The presenter described some of the interesting things that could be done with APRS, which, I think, sold many of us right then and there.
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05/04/2010 | Now in the ARRL Bookstore: Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio and ARRL’s PIC Programming for Beginners
The ARRL is now taking orders for and shipping the two newest books in the ARRL Bookstore: Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio by ARRL Emergency Preparedness and Response Manager Mike Corey, 5MPC, and Victor Morris, AH6WX, and ARRL’s PIC Pr
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